Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Christmas is on its Way

Time to wake up this blog with some Christmas inspiration! It's definitely my favourite time of the year and because it always seems to go by so quickly, this year I started my preparations much earlier than usual. 
I've been saving some Christmassy fabric for a while and this year I finally got round to sewing some cushion covers for our sofas. I love the Michael Miller fabric - red bakground and white print! The fabric with the lingon berries I found in a charity shop. It was a massive pair of curtains so I have a lot of this fabric left. I think it looks really nice mixed with other contrasting or coordinating fabrics. I'm very happy with how they turned out and our home is already slightly closer to Christmas! Let it roll!

I made these two cushion covers for my sister so this is all I can show till she receives the parcel I'm sending her...


  1. Uuupss!!! A sister sou eu! Parece MUITO giro!!!

  2. They look so nice all together! lovely fabric convination. Looking forward to seeing your next Xmas creations. Best wishes.

  3. Que bonitas que ficaram! Gosto muito do tecido vermelho com flores brancas. Um Bom Ano :)

  4. Oi amiga, como ficou lindooo, decoraçao com pink eu amo <3
    Amiga me visite tbm:
