Monday, 27 September 2010

2 Bunnies and 1 Dog

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to Annette, from Waxy Pin, for making these absolutely beautiful sock puppets she sent to the Campaign for the Portuguese Cancer League.

Annette is one of the very kind bloggers I've met through blogging. Not only is she very kind but also extremely artistic! Check out her amazing Circus Apron for Angry Chicken's Tie-One-On Circus Theme, and all the other things she creates!

Another VERY BIG THANK YOU to Baukje, form Busy Bee Free, who has also been so kind to send this ever so cute dog to the children's cancer hospital, for the same campaign.

Isn't it cute! Woof! Woof!

I've also met Baukje through blogging and I've really enjoyed being in touch with her! Baukje really enjoys knitting and sewing and makes such beautiful stuff! I really recommend you visit her blog and see her crafty projects and other lovely posts!

If you get inspired and also want to contribute, it's never too late! do like Annette and Baukje and send over a sock puppet!


  1. o cão é demais ! :-) boa iniciativa !
    e finalmente estás de volta

  2. Thank you Barbara for posting about the sock puppet campaign - and thank you for your kind comments!
    Thank you to Baukje for making the adorable sockpuppet dog!

  3. Maravilhosos os dois! Eu também tenho que me organizar para fazer uns, beijinhos***

  4. Adoro os coelhinhos!!! Olha, conheces as coisas da Green Gate? Fiquei a conhecer através de um outro blog. É uma marca dinamarquesa, e tem coisas giras! Para quando eu tiver a minha casa com jardim!!! Beijinhos Mana Ana
